giganews blog

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Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Welcome to Dump Truck: Part 1 - Dump Truck Desktop

We hope everyone is enjoying the new Dump Truck desktop and mobile apps and the redesigned Web App that were announced two weeks ago.

Over the next month, Golden Frog will publish a "Welcome to Dump Truck" blog series to introduce Dump Truck's new apps and features to everyone. Part 1 of the blog series is about Dump Truck Desktop and now available on the Golden Frog blog.

P.S. Don't forget to use your Giganews username and password to access the Dump Truck Desktop apps, Mobile apps and Web App. 30 GB of Dump Truck is included free with every Diamond account and 5 GB of Dump Truck is included free with all other Giganews accounts.

Check out the latest post about Dump Truck Desktop!

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