giganews blog

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Wednesday, July 11, 2012

VyprVPN App for Giganews updated to Version 1.3

VyprVPN App for GiganewsToday, the Golden Frog development team released version 1.3 of the VyprVPN App for Giganews.

VyprVPN App for Giganews version 1.3 updates:
  • When the App checks for available updates, files associated with this action are digitally signed to message anti-virus software that the files are safe.
  • The App prevents connection problems due to malicious third party DNS poisoning.
Giganews members with VyprVPN can apply this update within the VyprVPN App for Giganews or can download the VyprVPN App for Giganews v 1.3.

The VyprVPN App for Giganews is currently only available for Windows. The Mac version of the VyprVPN App for Giganews will be available soon so please stay tuned!

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