OpenVPN Set up Instructions for DD-WRT Routers

What is DD-WRT?
DD-WRT is free open source router firmware designed to increase the functionality of popular Internet routers. With DD-WRT installed, you can set up VyprVPN directly on your router. There are a number of benefits for configuring VyprVPN with DD-WRT on your router.
Reasons to UseVyprVPN OpenVPN with DD-WRT routers:
- Multiple devices share a single VyprVPN connection – Configure a single VyprVPN account on a DD-WRT router and all devices connected to your network are protected by VyprVPN.
- Secure devices without native VPN support – Set up DD-WRT to reconnect VyprVPN in the event a connection is lost for any reason.
- Keep your local network intact – A device using VyprVPN is sometimes unable to communicate with other devices on your local network. Setting up OpenVPN on your router allows all devices on the local network to communicate when using VyprVPN.
Please note that VyprVPN only supports one VyprVPN connection per user. Before connecting your router to VyprVPN, please ensure you don't have any other active VyprVPN connections. If you are currently connected to VyprVPN, learn how to remotely disconnect VyprVPN connections using the Giganews web control panel. You can also use the Giganews mobile app to remotely disconnect VyprVPN connections before connecting your router to VyprVPN using OpenVPN.
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