giganews blog

Corporate culture, personal experiences, and unique observations about Giganews, Usenet, Newsgroups, and Usenet related technologies.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Welcome to Dump Truck: Part 3 - Dump Truck Secure Sharing

Today, Golden Frog posted Part 3 - Dump Truck Secure Sharing of their "Welcome to Dump Truck" blog series on their blog. In this blogpost, they cover how to securely share files and folders with the Dump Truck Web App.

After you read the blogpost and learn all the features, you can log in to the Dump Truck Web App using your Giganews username and password. Don’t forget that Giganews Diamond accounts receive 30GB of Dump Truck online storage, while all other Giganews accounts receive 5GB of online storage.

If you missed the Part 2 of the "Welcome to Dump Truck series", please read Part 2 - Dump Truck Web App on the Golden Frog blog.

To stay up to date with the Dump Truck Web App, please subscribe to our blog and follow us on Giganews Facebook, Giganews Twitter, Giganews YouTube Channel, and Giganews Google+.

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