giganews blog

Corporate culture, personal experiences, and unique observations about Giganews, Usenet, Newsgroups, and Usenet related technologies.

Friday, August 06, 2010

7 Things Newer than the Oldest Giganews Article

Here at Giganews, we're celebrating being the first and only Usenet provider to reach 2 years of high-quality binary retention.

What 2 years of binary retention gets you:
  • 2 years of images and files
  • 10 billion+ newsgroup articles
  • Over 4,000 TB of Usenet data

Think about the things that didn't even exist when the oldest accessible binary article was posted to Giganews Usenet:
We've done a lot for the Giganews infrastructure in order to accommodate the amount of data storage necessary to continue growing our retention capacity. Learn more about retention and the Giganews infrastructure.

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