Golden Frog Launches Re-Imagined VyprVPN 2.0 Apps

Learn more about the VyprVPN 2.0 apps »
What's New in the VyprVPN 2.0 Apps?

VyprVPN for Windows
New 2.0 Interface
Speed Graph with upload and download speeds
Ability to favorite servers for quick access
Ping test to find fastest servers

VyprVPN for Mac
New 2.0 Interface with Retina support
Speed graph with upload and download speeds
Ability to favorite servers for quick access
Ping test to find fastest servers

VyprVPN for Android
New 2.0 Interface
Speed graph with upload and download speeds
Added IP Location Map
Ability to favorite servers for quick access
Ping test to find fastest servers

VyprVPN for iOS
New 2.0 Interface
Manual connection mode now available
Favorite servers for quick access
Ping test to find fastest servers
Switch between Manual or On Demand mode without downloading new VPN profile
Our partner Golden Frog continues to work towards ensuring an open and free internet and improving our users’ privacy and security. Once you download the apps, it would be great if you took a few minutes to add a review to the iTunes or Google Play app store.
P.S. If you already have VyprVPN Apps, simply update your app.
If you don't have VyprVPN and want protection for your internet connection while at home or on the go, upgrade to Diamond or Platinum get VyprVPN included for free! If you're not already a Giganews member, we invite you to sign up for a 14-day free trial.
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Labels: android, Apps, ios, mac, vyprvpn, VyprVPN Windows App, Windows
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