giganews blog

Corporate culture, personal experiences, and unique observations about Giganews, Usenet, Newsgroups, and Usenet related technologies.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Drag and drop files and folders using the Dump Truck Web App

The Golden Frog development team recently added the ability to drag and drop files and folders within the Dump Truck Web App. Dump Truck users can simply click the file or folder name to drag the item to a different folder. Using drag to drop to move multiple files and folders is also supported.

Watch the video below to see Dump Truck drag and drop in action:



Wednesday, April 04, 2012

New VyprVPN server in Austin, Texas for Giganews members!

Golden Frog has added a new VyprVPN server in Austin, Texas USA! The Austin VPN server is available for all VyprVPN protocols, including PPTP, L2TP/IPsec and OpenVPN.

For Giganews members using the VyprVPN App for Giganews, the new Austin VPN server address is automatically available when choosing your server location. Last week, Golden Frog updated the VyprVPN App for Giganews to version 1.1! The VyprVPN App for Giganews makes it easy to switch server locations and protocols.

For Giganews members using VyprVPN with your operating system, simply update your VyprVPN hostname to:
VyprVPN customers now have unlimited access to the following server locations:
  • United States - Austin, TX New!
  • United States - Washington, D.C.
  • United States - Los Angeles, CA
  • Netherlands - Amsterdam
  • France - Paris
  • United Kingdom - London
  • Germany - Frankfurt
  • Asia - Hong Kong
Giganews Diamond members and members who have added VyprVPN to their membership can immediately take advantage of the new Austin VyprVPN server location.

If you're not already a Giganews member, we invite you to sign up. If you are a Giganews member without VyprVPN, we invite you to add VyprVPN to your membership today!

Stay up-to-date with Giganews! To keep up with new developments, subscribe to the Giganews blog and follow us on Facebook, Twitter or Google+.

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