giganews blog

Corporate culture, personal experiences, and unique observations about Giganews, Usenet, Newsgroups, and Usenet related technologies.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Help Giganews Review our Services and Features

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Giganews Review
Customers help Giganews review services and features.
Giganews is celebrating our 10th anniversary next year and this year has been one of the most exciting in our history. We've made lots of advances and have worked very hard to provide improved and updated service for all our customers.

In an effort to keep improving and to make our 10th year a memorable one, we're asking Giganews customers to do a review of our services so that we can better understand what you all are thinking.

In an effort to get a thorough Giganews review, we're asking that our blog readers leave comments reviewing a variety of aspects of our service and customer care. Please, feel free to give an honest review of your Giganews experience. Do remember that the comments on this blog are moderated, so try to avoid inappropriate comments which may not make it through moderation.

Giganews is asking you to review:

- Retention
- Completion
- Giganews Accelerator
- 256-Bit SSL Encrypted Usenet service
- Customer service
- Control panel
- Website
- Etc.

If you can think of anything else we should include in our Giganews review, feel free to comment on that, as well.

Thanks for all of your help!